Thursday, October 11, 2012

Yep still slacking.... It's now FALL!!!

I don't know why I keep thinking I am going to stay on top of this, my life is a mess and so disorganized that it's quite hillarious that I could possibly even think that.  Anyways, it's FALL  my most favorite time of year!  It's volleyball season, football season and the weather is wonderful!  But since I am a slacker I need to catch up... so the kids are all back in school it's was a couple days of firsts and lasts for us!  It was Austin's first day as a SOPHOMORE,  it was Jentry's last first day Middle School, Shelby's first day of Middle School and Bubba's last first day of being in Elementary! Whew that's a mouthful!  Anyways here's pics of back to school! 

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